Universal Negative Keyword List
Universal Negative Keyword List
We think that this is the most comprehensive collection of negative keywords for Google Adwords available on the internet – please download our PDF for access to the entire collection or view the category you need directly on our page. Get Positive Results with Negative Keywords
General - for use in most campaigns if you are using a lot of broad match or modified broad match keywords
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High End - VIP Products
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Discount Products
high end
Automotive Industry
antique antiques auction auctions avis career careers class classes classic classical classifieds collectible collectibles college colleges course courses crash crashes employment enterprise gamegames garages hertz insurance intern interns internship internships job jobs loan loans |
magazine magazines mechanic movie national part-time pixar position positions program programs recall recalled refi refinance refinancing rent rental rentals repair repo repossessed repossession ringtone school schools seat cover seized thrifty toy toys training warranties warranty wash |
Repairs & Maintenance
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If you’re a ticket broker you may want to include: airfare airline airlines airplane airplanes amtrak britney spears (unless selling concert tickets) bus car charity download flight flights itunes jackpot justin timberlake (unless selling concert tickets) lottery Lotto mega millions movie movies |
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Financial Services
career program |
information journal journals learn about magazine magazines map maps meaning of metrics news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers photo photos picture pictures report reports research resource resources review reviews term terms terminology theories theory tutorial tutorials what are sample samples class classes college colleges conference conferences course courses education universities university workshop workshops foundations act acts Attorney bono civil suit courts government grant illegal IrsInstitute institutes DIY do it yourself dog financial aid fraud fundraiser gamble gambling investigate military msnbc oprah pet real estate scam scams semester software start up startup start-up start-ups stock stocks strategies strategy student students ticket tours tv |
service reviews |
head hunter hiring independent contractors intern interns internship internships job jobs part-time position positions positions recruiter recruiters recruiting resume resumes salaries salary staffing temp temporary pet pets dog dogs cat cats animal animals programs school schools seminar seminars training universities university workshop workshops foundations about article articles association associations blog blogs book books bulletin bulletins case studies case study data define definition diagram example examples FAQ forum forums guide guides history image images info information journal journals learn about logo logos magazine magazines map maps meaning of metrics news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers photo photos picture pictures report reports research resource resources review |
Retail / E -Commerce
rent rental rentals used renting refurbished like new thrift thrifty second hand vintage antique charity non profit consignment resale clip art code collectible collectibles antique antiques recall recalled regulations repair repairs photos photo photograph photographs picture pictures hobby hobbies rules safety advice agencies agency career careers consulting direct hire direct placement employer employers employment firm firms freelance freelancer freelancers head hunter hiring independent contractors intern interns Internship metrics blog blogs news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers photo photos picture pictures report reports research resource resources review reviews sample samples statistics stats success stories success story |
internships job jobs freelancing full-time part-time position positions positions recruiter recruiters recruiting resume resumes salaries salary staffing temp temporary consultants about article articles association associations book books bulletin bulletins case studies case study data define definition diagram example examples FAQ forum forums guide guides history image mages info information journal journals learn about logo logos magazine Magazines map maps meaning of theories theory tutorial tutorials what are class classes college colleges conference conferences course courses education institute institutes program programs school schools seminar seminars training universities university workshop workshops foundations |
Real Estate
article articles association associations blog blogs blues book books builders bulletin bulletins case studies case study chart chop class classes cleaning club clubs college colleges conference conferences construction contractor council councils course courses data decor decorating define definition derby design diagram disney dog doll education example examples expo FAQ for rent forum forums foundations full fumigation furnishings furniture glass remodeling rent rentals repair report reports research resource resources review reviews road sample samples school schooling schools security seminar seminars server shopping network speaker statistics stats steak sublease |
success stories success story goods grind guide guides haunted health care history ice image images improvement info information inspection institute institutes insurance interiors journal journals learn about license loan loans logo logos magazine magazines makeover map maps meaning of metrics moisture mold mortgage movies music news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers nursing outback party photo photos picture pictures plans plants play program programsremedies test theater theories theory training tree tutorial tutorials tv universities university values videos waffle warranty what are what is white white paper white papers wiki wikipedia workshop workshops |
Tech B2B
about picture |
forums foundations freelance freelancer freelancers freelancing frys full-time guide guides head hunter hiring history home house household image images independent contractors info information institute institutes intern interns internship internships job jobs journal journals learn about logo logos magazine magazines map maps meaning of metrics news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers overstock part-time personal photo photos forum temp temporary theories theory training tutorial tutorials universities university what are what is white paper white papers wiki wikipedia workshop workshops staffing statistics stats store stores success stories success story |
Technology/Software Commerce
about advice agencies agency article articles association associations blog blogs book books bulletin bulletins buy career careers case studies case study class classes club clubs college colleges conference conferences consultants consulting consumer council councils course courses data define definition developer developers diagram direct hire direct placement education employer employers employment example examples FAQ firm firms picture pictures position positions program programs refurbished recruiter recruiters recruiting report reports research resource resources resume resumes review reviews salaries salary sample samples school schools seminar |
seminars forums foundations freelance freelancer freelancers freelancing frys full-time guide guides head hunter hiring history home house household image images independent contractors info information institute institutes intern interns internship internships job jobs journal journals learn about logo logos magazine magazines map maps meaning of metrics news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers overstock part-time personal photo photos forum temp temporary theories theory training tutorial tutorials universities university what are what is white paper white papers wiki wikipedia workshop workshops staffing statistics stats store stores success stories success story |
advisory apartment architecture article articles association associations bank blog blogs book books bulletin bulletins case studies case study certification channel class classes club clubs college colleges condo conference conferences council councils county court course courses data dating define definition diagram education example examples FAQ police program programs real estate report reports research resource resources review reviews ringtones sample samples school schools seminar seminars sisterhood statistics stats |
festival forum forums foundations guide guides history homes image images info information institute institutes jobs journal journals learn about library logo logos magazine magazines map maps meaning of metrics music music video news newsletter newsletters newspaper newspapers nursing photo photograph photographs photos picture pictures success stories success story theories theory trail training tutorial tutorials universities university warped tour weather what are what is white paper white papers wiki wikipedia workshop workshops |